Energy » Petroleum & Refinery » Gas prices | Average annual U.S. gasoline prices during periods of crisis 2011

Annual U.S. gasoline prices in times of crisis 1956-2011

Average annual U.S. gasoline prices during times of crisis between 1956 and 2011 (in U.S. cents per gallon)

The data displays average annual U.S. gasoline prices in selected times of crisis between 1956 and 2011. In 1956, the year of the Suez crisis, the average annual gasoline price in the United States stood at 249.9 U.S. cents per gallon.

Suez crisis (1956) 249.9
OPEC embargo (1973) 198.9
Gulf War (1991) 189.9
Concerns over Iran (2011) 350.9