Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Contraception in the U.S. | Men who used contraception during last sexual intercourse 2002-2015

U.S. men that used contraception methods during last sexual intercourse 2002-2015

Percentage of U.S. men who used select contraceptive methods at their last sexual intercourse from 2002 to 2015

The data shows the percentage of U.S. men that used select contraceptive methods during their last sexual intercourse within the last 3 months from 2002 to 2015. In 2002, around 9.8% of men used the withdrawal method to avoid pregnancy. Comparatively, 18.8% of men had used this technique from 2011-2015.

Any contraceptive method 80.2 83.7 81.7
Any male contraceptive method 52.2 57.8 59.3
Male condom 44.5 45.8 45.2
Withdrawl 9.8 14.5 18.8
Vasectomy 1 1.7 1.4