Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Contraception in the U.S. | Contraceptive costs for young women in developing regions worldwide 2016

Cost of contraceptives for teenage girls in developing regions worldwide 2016

Average cost of contraceptive services per user for adolescent women in developing regions worldwide in 2016 (in USD)

The data describes the average cost of contraceptive services per user for adolescent women aged 15 to 19 years in developing regions worldwide in 2016, in USD. It was estimated that the cost of contraceptive services for current teenage users in Africa was 10.72 dollars, while it was 29.37 dollars for all those in need of such services.

Africa 10.72 29.37
Asia 12.12 13.73
Latin America and the Caribbean 19.9 20.91