Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Ebola virus disease (EVD) | WHO Ebola response West Africa: top donors worldwide 2015-2016

Top donors to WHO West Africa Ebola response worldwide 2015-2016

Leading donors to the World Health Organization's (WHO) West African Ebola response worldwide 2015-2016 (in USD)

The data displays the leading donors to the World Health Organization's (WHO) Ebola response in West Africa in 2015-2016. USAID was the top donor organization to WHO's response to the Ebola epidemic in West Africa in 2015-2016.

USA (USAID) 73898897
World Bank 67214772
African Development Bank 48117558
UNDP (Multi-partner Trust Fund) 34829870
Japan (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 23620000
USA (CDC) 22246930
Canada (DFATD) 21193146
UK (DFID) 14760687
Norway 14181414
USA (DTRA) 13063018
Germany (GIZ) 13003668
Wellcome Trust 12229355
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 11670234