Number of U.S. foodborne illness cases in 2015, by food category

Number of foodborne illness cases in the U.S. in 2015, by food category

The data shows the number of foodborne illness cases in the United States in 2015, by food category. In that year, around 1,121 cases of foodborne illness resulted from seeded vegetables, while pork caused 924 cases of foodborne illness.

Seeded vegetables 1121
Pork 924
Vegetable row crops 383
Chicken 333
Other 247
Beef 225
Fish 176
Mollusks 164
Turkey 137
Herbs 132
Dairy 116
Grains and beans 111
Root and other underground vegetables 83
Eggs 76
Fruits 62
Sprouts 34
Nuts and seeds 13
Crustaceans 11
Other aquatic animal 8
Game 6
Other poultry 2