Obesity - prevalence in selected countries by gender 2016

Prevalence of obesity among adults in selected countries as of 2016, or latest year available, by gender

The data displays the prevalence of obesity among adults in selected countries in 2016, or the latest year available, sorted by gender. In Brazil, 18% of adult men were classed as obese in 2015. In the meantime, obesity prevalence among U.S. males stood at some 30.5%.

United States (2015) 30.5 29.7
Turkey (2014) 15.3 24.5
Russia (2013) 14.5 23.2
Hungary (2014) 22 20.4
Estonia (2016) 19.8 18.7
Canada (2014) 21.1 18.1
Brazil (2015) 18 16.2
Portugal (2014) 15.3 17.8
Israel (2016) 17.4 15.7
Slovenia (2014) 21 17.4
Slovak Republic (2014) 15.9 16.6
Spain (2014) 17.1 16.3
Greece (2014) 18.1 16.1
Poland (2014) 18.1 15.6
Finland (2015) 18.7 18.9
France (2014) 15.3 15.3
Netherlands (2015) 11.3 14.2
Germany (2014) 16.7 16.1
Denmark (2014) 14.1 15.6
Austria (2014) 16 13.4
Sweden (2015) 12.3 12.2
Italy (2015) 10.8 9
Korea (2015) 3.5 2.1
Norway (2015) 13 11
Ireland (2015) 20 16
Iceland (2015) 19.2 18.8
Czech Republic (2014) 19.3 18.2
Belgium (2014) 13.9 14.2