Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Headache and migraine | Steps U.S. Americans took to avoid migraines by type of migraine 2017

Steps U.S. respondents took to avoid migraine triggers 2017, by type of migraine

Percentage of respondents in the U.S. who took select steps to avoid migraine triggers as of 2017, by type of migraine

This survey shows the percentage of respondents in the United States who took select steps to avoid migraine triggers as of 2017, by type of migraine. According to the survey, 72% of people that experienced episodic migraines modified their daily activities to avoid triggering their migraines. Comparatively, 85% of those that experienced chronic migraines modified their daily activities. Migraines are a genetic neurological disease characterized by headaches and episodes of varying neurological symptoms.

Modified daily activities 72 76 85
Modified diet/eating 73 77 80
Avoided certain places 57 64 74