Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Headache and migraine | Migraine sufferers other health conditions U.S. 2017

Agreement/disagreement on migraine sufferers having other health issues U.S. 2017

Percentage of adults in the U.S. who agreed/disagreed that migraine sufferers often have other health conditions as of 2017

The data illustrates the percentage of adults in the United States who agreed/disagreed that migraine sufferers often have other health conditions, such as allergies, anxiety and depression, as of 2017. It was found that 45% of migraine sufferers strongly agreed that many migraine sufferers also have other conditions.

Strongly agree 45 19
Somewhat agree 36 39
Somewhat disagree 6 9
Strongly disagree 2 1
Not sure 11 32