Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Headache and migraine | Frequency of doctor visits for headaches adults U.S. by gender 2017

Frequency U.S. adults sought treatment for headaches from a doctor 2017, by gender

Number of times U.S. adults went to a doctor for treatment for their headache in the past year as of 2017, by gender

The data displays the number of times adults in the United States who suffered at least once per month from headache went to a doctor for treatment for their headache in the past year as of February 2017, by gender. It was found that 70% of females had not gone to the doctor for treatment for headache, compared to 56% of males.

No treatment 56 70
1 treatment 13 13
Up to 5 treatments 25 15
Up to 10 treatments 4 1
More than 10 treatments 2 1