Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Hearing loss in the U.S. | Hearing limitations among adults U.S. by location 1997-2015

Hearing limitations among U.S. adults 1997-2015, by location

Percentage of U.S. adults with a lot of trouble hearing or deafness from 1997 to 2015, by location of residence

The data displays the percentage of adults with a lot of trouble hearing or deafness from 1997 to 2015, by location of residence. In 2015, some 1.9% of adults living in metropolitan statistical areas in the United States had hearing limitations.

1997 2.9 4.5
1998 2.9 3.9
1999 2.8 4.6
2000 3 3.9
2001 3.2 4.6
2002 3 3.8
2003 2.7 4.4
2004 2.8 4.2
2005 3.1 4.9
2006 3.2 4.3
2007 2.1 3.3
2008 1.7 2.8
2009 1.9 2.5
2010 1.9 3
2011 2 3
2012 1.9 2.4
2013 1.8 2.9
2014 2.1 2.9
2015 1.9 2.6