Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Hearing loss in the U.S. | Important hearing aid attributes for audiologists U.S. 2017

Important factors for U.S. audiologists when selecting patient's hearing aids 2017

Most important attributes for U.S. audiologists when selecting a hearing aid for patients as of 2017

The data displays the most important attributes for U.S. audiologists when selecting hearing aids for patients, according to a survey conducted in October 2017. It was found that sound quality was the most important factor for audiologists when they chose hearing aids for patients.

Sound quality 8
Reliability 6.8
Ease of use 5.5
Value for money 4.8
Ease of fit 4
Connectivity or audio streaming 3.5
Aesthetics 2.7
Relationship with manufacturer 2.6
Battery life 2.2
Ability to recharge 1.1
Brand 0.07
Telecoil functionality 0.1