Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » HIV/AIDS in the U.S. | HIV prevention among HIV-negative people who inject drugs U.S. 2015

HIV prevention among HIV-negative people who inject drugs in the United States in 2015

Percentage of people in the U.S. who injected drugs and were HIV-negative and who received testing and HIV prevention services as of 2015

The data describes the percentage of people in the United States who injected drugs and who were HIV-negative and who received testing and HIV prevention services as of 2015. During that year, 58% of people who injected drugs and were HIV-negative had been tested for HIV infection in the past 12 months.

Tested for HIV infection in the previous 12 months 58
Participated in HIV behavioral interventions in the previous 12 months 26
Ever tested for hepatitis C 82
Received syringes from SSP in the previous 12 months 52
Received syringes from sterile sources only in the previous 12 months 34