Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » HIV/AIDS worldwide | Tuberculosis HIV-positive incidence high-burden countries 2016

HIV-positive incidence of tuberculosis in high-burden countries 2016

HIV-positive tuberculosis incidence in high-burden countries worldwide in 2016 (in thousand)

The data illustrates the mean number of new tuberculosis cases among persons which are HIV-positive in high-burden countries worldwide in 2016. South Africa led the ranking that year with a mean value of 258,000 new HIV-positive tuberculosis cases.

South Africa 258
India 87
Mozambique 72
Tanzania 54
Kenya 53
Indonesia 45
Zimbabwe 23
Russian Federation 18
Angola 18
Myanmar 18
Ethiopia 14
China 11
Brazil 11
Thailand 10
Pakistan 6.9
Philippines 6
DR Congo 5.1
Vietnam 4.2
Nigeria 4.2
Cambodia 1.3
Bangladesh 0.5
North Korea 0.28