Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » HIV/AIDS worldwide | Deaths averted due to TB/HIV interventions by world region 2016

Estimated number of deaths averted due to TB/HIV intervention by world region 2016

Estimated number of deaths averted by tuberculosis and TB/HIV interventions worldwide from 2000 to 2016, by region (in millions)

The data illustrates the estimated number of deaths averted by tuberculosis and TB/HIV interventions worldwide from 2000 to 2016, by region. In this period, there were a total of approx. 22 million deaths averted in Southeast Asia due to TB and TB/HIV interventions.

Southeast Asia 20 1.9
Africa 5.1 5.7
Western Pacific 12 0.32
Eastern Mediterranean 3.5 0.05
Americas 1.5 0.32
Europe 1.8 0.2