Young males who received an STD test 2013-2015, by age

Percentage of sexually experienced young male Americans who had received an STD test in 2013-2015, by age

The data shows the percentage of sexually experienced males between the ages of 15-25, that had been tested for an STD in the past 12 months. About 10.7% of males aged of 15-17 said that they had been tested for an STD in the past 12 months, where as 20.7% of males aged 20-22 had been tested for an STD in the past 12 months. According to the survey, males with public insurance or no insurance had higher frequencies of STD testing than those on private or parent's insurance.

15-17 10.7
18-19 15.4
20-22 20.7
23-25 27.4