Common health conditions among millennials in the United States 2015 and 2016

Percentage of millennials in the U.S. who had been told by a health care provider that they had select health conditions in 2015 and 2016

The data displays the percentage of millennials in the United States who had been told by a health care provider that they had select health conditions in 2015 and 2016. In March/April 2016, it was found that 17% of millennials had been told by a health care provider they had depression, compared to 21% in August/September 2015.

Depression 17 21
Overweight 15 18
An anxiety disorder 14 16
Migraines 11
Asthma or other respiratory disease 9 11
High blood pressure 7 9
Obesity 7 7
High cholesterol 6 7
Heartburn/GERD 6
Chronic pain 4 5
None 43 46
Decline to answer 3 2