Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Millennials and health in the U.S. | Medical services that should be covered by health insurance according to millenials U.S. by ethnicity 2015

Medical services millennials want covered by health insurance U.S. 2015, by ethnicity

Types of medical services that millennials felt should be covered by health insurance as of 2015, by ethnicity

The data displays the types of medical services that millennials felt should be covered by health insurance in the United States as of 2015, by ethnicity. It was found that 87% of all surveyed millennials felt testing/screening for HIV and STDs should be covered by health insurance.

Testing/screening for HIV and STDs 87 87 83 88 83
Prescription birth control 82 84 78 83 74
Emergency contraception 60 57 59 68 64
Erectile dysfunction medication 51 51 47 54 51
Abortion services 45 43 47 42 57