Mosquito-borne disease cases reported in the United States 2013-2016, by disease

Number of mosquito-borne disease cases reported in the U.S. from 2013 to 2016, by disease

The data displays the number of mosquito-borne disease cases reported to the National Disease Surveillance System in the United States from 2013 to 2016, by disease. In the year 2013, there were 10,727 reported cases of Dengue viruses, which decreased to 1,178 in 2016.

Dengue viruses 10727 1226 1015 1178
Zika virus 41680
West Nile virus 2469 2205 2175 2149
Malaria 1594 1654 1397 1958
Chikungunya virus 7521 1133 427
California serogroup viruses 112 96 70 53
St. Louis encephalitis virus 1 10 23 8
Eastern equine encephalitis virus 8 8 6 7
Yellow fever virus 0 0 0 1