Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) | People not needing MDA for neglected tropical diseases worldwide 2013-2016

People living in districts where MDA for NTDs is no longer needed worldwide 2013-2016

People living in districts worldwide where mass drug administration (MDA) for select neglected tropical diseases is no longer needed from 2013 to 2016 (in millions)

The data displays the number of people living in districts worldwide where mass drug administration (MDA) for select neglected tropical diseases was no longer necessary from 2013 to 2016. In 2016, around 198.4 million people lived in districts where mass drug administration for lymphatic filariasis, or elephantiasis, used to be necessary, but no longer was because there was no longer transmission or infection levels have reached very low levels.

2013 42.4 35.8
2014 92.5 45.5
2015 140.5 65.6 2.4
2016 198.4 83.7 2.5