Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Sexually transmitted diseases in the U.S. | Prevalence of pelvic inflammatory disease U.S. women by age of sexual debut 2014

Pelvic inflammatory disease among U.S. women 2013-2014, by age of sexual debut

Percentage of sexually experienced women in the U.S. who self-reported lifetime pelvic inflammatory disease in 2013-2014, by age of sexual debut

The data displays the percentage of sexually experienced women in the United States who self-reported having pelvic inflammatory disease at some time in their life in 2013-2014, by age of sexual debut. It was found that 23.6% of women who had their sexual debut when they were younger than 12 years old had pelvic inflammatory disease at some point in their life.

18 years or older 2.7
16 to 17 years 4.6
14 to 15 years 4.9
12 to 13 years 8.9
Less than 12 years 23.6