Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Smoking | Risk of death among smokers before age 65 by age of smokers at quitting 2018

Relative risk of death from smoking as of 2018, by age of smokers at quitting

Relative risk of death before age 65 among smokers compared to a never smoker as of 2018, by age of smoker at quitting

The data displays the relative risk of death before the age of 65 among smokers compared to those who have never smoked as of 2018, by the age of smokers when they quit smoking. According to the data, smokers that quit at age 22 had a relative risk of death of 1.6 before age 65 compared to a person who never smoked.

22 years 1.6
29 years 1.8
39 years 3.3
49 years 5.9
Never quit smoking 24