Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Smoking | Tobacco-related revenues vs tobacco prevention spending and health costs U.S. 2018

U.S. spending on tobacco control and health costs versus tobacco revenues 2018

Tobacco-related revenues, tobacco prevention spending, and tobacco health costs in the United States in fiscal year 2018 (Figures expressed in billions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data shows U.S. tobacco revenues and tobacco prevention spending and tobacco health costs in fiscal year 2018. In that year, some 721 million USD were spent on preventing tobacco use, while at the same time over 27 billion USD of revenue was generated through tobacco taxes. The annual smoking caused health costs as of this time was approx. 170 billion dollars.

Tobacco tax revenues 27.4
Annual smoking caused health costs 170
Tobacco prevention spending 0.72