Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Vaccinations in the U.S. | Decrease in infectious disease cases due to vaccinations U.S. 2009

Cases of infectious diseases before and after the use of vaccines U.S. 2009

Annual number of cases of select infectious diseases in the U.S. before and after the development and use of vaccinations as of 2009

The data displays the annual number of cases of select infectious diseases in the United States before and after the development and use of vaccinations as of 2009. Before the use of vaccinations there were an estimated 530,217 new cases of measles per year in the United States, this number dropped to 61 new cases in 2009 due to the development and use of vaccinations.

Diphtheria 21053 0
H. Influenza 20000 243
Hepatitis A 117333 11049
Hepatitis B 66232 11269
Measles 530217 61
Mumps 162344 982
Pertussis 200752 13506
Pneumococcal Disease 16069 4167
Polio 16316 0
Rubella 47745 4
Congenital Rubella 152 1
Smallpox 29005 0
Tetanus 580 14
Varicella 4085120 449363