New cases of hepatitis in the United States 1970-2014

Number of new cases of hepatitis A and B in the U.S. from 1970 to 2014

The data displays the number of new cases of hepatitis A and B in the U.S. from 1970 to 2014. In 1970, there were 56,797 new cases of hepatitis A. In comparison, there were around 1,400 new cases of hepatitis A in 2011.

2014 1239 2791
2013 1781 3050
2012 1562 2895
2011 1398 2903
2010 1670 3374
2009 1987 3405
2008 2585 4033
2007 2979 4519
2006 3579 4713
2005 4488 5119
2004 5683 6212
2003 7653 7526
2002 8795 7996
2001 10609 7843
2000 13397 8036
1999 17047 7694
1998 23229 10258
1997 30021 10416
1996 31032 10637
1995 31582 10805
1994 26796 12517
1993 24238 13361
1992 23112 16126
1991 24378 18003
1990 31441 21102
1989 35821 23419
1988 28507 23177
1985 23210 26611
1980 29087 19015
1970 56797 8310