Health Care & Life Sciences » Hospitals, Physicians & Pharmacies » Vaccinations in the U.S. | Hepatitis B vaccines among diabetic adults U.S. by ethnicity 2015

Diabetic adults who had the 3-dose vaccination for hepatitis B U.S. 2015 by ethnicity

Percentage of adults diagnosed with diabetes who had the 3-dose hepatitis B vaccination schedule in the U.S. as of 2015, by ethnicity

The data displays the percentage of adults diagnosed with diabetes who had the 3-dose vaccination schedule for hepatitis B in the United States as of 2015, by ethnicity. It was found that only 16.9% of Hispanic adults with diabetes had the 3-dose vaccination schedule for hepatitis B.

Hispanic 16.9
Non-Hispanic white 16.4
Non-Hispanic black 18.3
Non-Hispanic Asian 24.9