International » Algeria | Maghreb countries - life expectancy at birth 2006-2016

Life expectancy at birth in the Maghreb countries 2016

Maghreb countries: Life expectancy at birth from 2006 to 2016
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1473.2273.2273.6473.6474.0374.0374.3774.3774.6774.6774.9474.9475.1875.1875.4175.4175.6475.6475.8675.8676.0876.0871.5271.5271.6371.6371.6871.6871.6871.6871.6471.6471.671.671.5771.5771.5971.5971.6671.6671.7871.7871.9371.9360.9560.95626261.4661.4661.7361.73626262.2562.2562.4962.4962.7162.7162.9162.9163.0863.0863.2463.2472.0372.0372.5872.5873.173.173.5773.57747474.3874.3874.7274.7275.0375.0375.3175.3175.5775.5775.8275.8274.3574.3574.4874.4874.674.674.774.774.7974.7974.974.975.0275.0275.1775.1775.3475.3475.5375.5375.7375.73200620072008200920102011201220132014201520166062.56567.57072.57577.5

The data displays the life expectancy at birth in the Maghreb countries in North Africa from 2006 to 2016. In 2016, the average life expectancy at birth in Algeria was 76.08 years.

2006 73.22 71.52 60.95 72.03 74.35
2007 73.64 71.63 62 72.58 74.48
2008 74.03 71.68 61.46 73.1 74.6
2009 74.37 71.68 61.73 73.57 74.7
2010 74.67 71.64 62 74 74.79
2011 74.94 71.6 62.25 74.38 74.9
2012 75.18 71.57 62.49 74.72 75.02
2013 75.41 71.59 62.71 75.03 75.17
2014 75.64 71.66 62.91 75.31 75.34
2015 75.86 71.78 63.08 75.57 75.53
2016 76.08 71.93 63.24 75.82 75.73