The data displays the distribution of employment in Austria by economic sector from 2007 to 2017. In 2017, 4.31% of the employees in Austria were active in the agricultural sector, 25.62% in industry and 70.07% in the service sector.
2007 | 5.53 | 27.32 | 67.15 |
2008 | 5.25 | 26.24 | 68.51 |
2009 | 5.32 | 24.97 | 69.71 |
2010 | 5.21 | 24.91 | 69.88 |
2011 | 4.94 | 26.03 | 69.04 |
2012 | 4.68 | 26.08 | 69.25 |
2013 | 4.58 | 25.91 | 69.52 |
2014 | 4.84 | 25.75 | 69.41 |
2015 | 4.53 | 25.76 | 69.71 |
2016 | 4.35 | 25.56 | 70.09 |
2017 | 4.31 | 25.62 | 70.07 |