International » Belarus | Belarus - GDP distribution across economic sectors 2016

Distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors Belarus 2016

Belarus: Distribution of gross domestic product (GDP) across economic sectors from 2006 to 2016
Created with Highcharts

The data displays the distribution of the gross domestic product across economic sectors in Belarus from 2006 to 2016. In 2016, agriculture contributed around 7.92% to the GDP of Belarus, 36.12% came from the industry and 55.96% from the services sector.

2006 9.9 42.96 47.14
2007 9.67 43.17 47.16
2008 10.14 45.42 44.44
2009 9.74 43.16 47.1
2010 10.13 40.33 49.54
2011 9.07 40.91 50.02
2012 9.27 41.37 49.36
2013 7.73 40.74 51.54
2014 8.27 40.05 51.68
2015 7.25 37.7 55.05
2016 7.92 36.12 55.96