International » Brazil | Countries with the highest median age 2017

Median age of the population in the top 20 countries 2017

Countries with the highest median age in 2017 (in years)

The data displays the estimated median age of the population in the top 20 countries in 2017. The median age is the age that divides a population into two numerically equal groups; that is, half the people are younger and half are older. It is a single index that summarizes the age distribution of a population. The median age of the population in Monaco in 2017 is estimated to be 53.1 years.

Monaco 53.1
Japan 47.3
Germany 47.1
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 46.5
Italy 45.5
Slovenia 44.5
Greece 44.5
Hong Kong 44.4
San Marino 44.4
Andorra 44.3
Isle of Man 44.2
Saint Barthelemy 44.1
Austria 44
Guernsey 43.8
Lithuania 43.7
Latvia 43.6
Bermuda 43.4
Liechtenstein 43.2
Croatia 43
Bulgaria 42.9