International » China » E-Commerce in China | China: online shoppers by monthly income and experience 2014

Distribution of online shoppers in China 2014, by monthly income and experience

Distribution of online shoppers in China as of December 2014, by monthly income and experience

The data displays the distribution of monthly income among online shoppers in China as of December 2014. By December 2014, approx. 10% of average online shoppers in China earned a monthly income of between 5,001 to 8,000 yuan.

1000 yuan and below 13.8 3.8
1001 to 3000 yuan 43.3 22.2
3001 to 5000 yuan 26.3 29.9
5001 to 8000 yuan 10.3 21.9
Above 8000 yuan 6.3 22.2