International » China » LGBT in China | China: LGBT recent purchases by gender 2014

Purchases over the past 12 months among LGBT in China as of August 2014, by gender

Purchases over the past 12 months among LGBT in China as of August 2014, by gender

The data displays purchases over the past 12 months among the LGBT community in China as of August 2014, by gender. During the survey, 33% of gay/bisexual male respondents stated that they had bought tickets for performing arts pieces during the 12 months leading up to August 2014.

Smartphone 73 69
Skincare products (more than 1,000 yuan total spend) 38 48
Tickets for performing arts (music, theatre, etc.) 33 45
Tablet computer 26 29
Holiday of 5 nights or more 23 34
Gym membership 22 20
Financial products (stock, securities, bonds, etc.) 16 16
Primary residence 10 6
Life/property insurance 10 9
Single luxury goods for above 5,000 yuan 9 12
Cosmetic enhancement (surgical or non-surgical) 6 9
A new automobile 4 4