International » China » LGBT in China | China: LGBT advertising interaction by gender 2014

Interaction with advertising among LGBT in China as of August 2014, by gender

Interaction with advertising among LGBT in China as of August 2014, by gender

The data displays interaction with advertising among the LGBT community in the seven days leading up to the survey date in China as of August 2014, by gender. During the survey, 18% of gay/bisexual male respondents stated that they had clicked on a mobile advertisement in the week leading up to the survey.

Scanned a QR tag with the smartphone 45 41
Purchased a deal from group buying websites 39 43
Referred to others' purchase experience on social media 31 34
Followed a business on Wechat 28 28
Followed a business on Weibo 24 33
"Checked-in" at a business to get discounts 20 15
Clicked on a mobile ad 18 18
Clicked on a website banner ad 18 20
Clicked on a Weibo ad 17 20
Tuned into a television show after seeing related tweets 16 15
Forwarded an advertisement to a friend 16 16
Used social media to voice a positive experience with a brand/product 15 13
Shared a commercial ad on social media 10 10
Used social media to voice a negative experience with a brand/product 9 6