International » China » Motorcycle industry China | China: number of motorcycles per 100 urban households by income group 2012

Number of motorcycles per 100 urban households in China 2012, by income group

Number of motorcycles per 100 urban households in China in 2012, by income group

The data illustrates the number of motorcycles per 100 urban households in China in 2012, shown here according to income group. In 2012, there were 21.74 motorcycles per 100 households in China in the lowest income group.

Households with the lowest income (10%) 21.74
Households with low income (10%) 25.1
Households with low to medium income (20%) 24.69
Households with medium income (20%) 21.06
Households with medium to high income (20%) 17.71
Households with high income (10%) 15.02
Households with the highest income (10%) 12.43