Real Estate & Construction » Residential Building Construction » Construction Materials Industry | Construction and demolition debris generation United States by material 2014

U.S. generation of construction & demolition debris by material 2014

Generation of construction and demolition debris in the U.S. in 2014, by material (in thousand tons)

The data describes construction and demolition debris generation composition in the U.S. in 2014, broken down by material and source. In that year, nearly 85 million tons of debris was generated from concrete from buildings.

Concrete from roads and bridges 157384
Concrete from other structures 133150
Concrete from buildings 84763
Asphalt concrete 76565
Lumber from buildings 26572
Drywall and plasters 13590
Asphalt shingles 13542
Brick 11344
Wood panel products 8663
Steel 4349
Plywood and veneer 2067
Railroad ties 1376
Clay tile 696