International » Hong Kong | Hong Kong: employed people by monthly earnings 2016

Number of employed people in Hong Kong 2016, by monthly earnings

Number of employed people in Hong Kong in 2016, by monthly earnings

The data displays the number of employed people in Hong Kong in 2016, by monthly earnings. In 2016, around 395 thousand employees in Hong Kong earned between 12,000 and 13,999 Hong Kong dollars per month.

<3000 102000
3000-3999 46000
4000-4999 327000
5000-5999 63000
6000-6999 60000
7000-7999 69000
8000-8999 125000
9000-9999 152000
10000-11999 340000
12000-13999 395000
14000-15999 358000
16000-17999 190000
18000-19999 155000
20000-24999 385000
25000-29999 211000
30000-34999 204000
35000-39999 110000
40000-44999 97000
45000-49999 69000
50000-59999 111000
60000-79999 100000
80000-99999 45000
>=100000 74000