International » Sweden | Sweden - Age structure 2017

Age structure in Sweden 2017

Sweden: Age structure from 2007 to 2017
Created with Highcharts 5.0.1417.1217.1216.8216.8216.616.616.5116.5116.5116.5116.6216.6216.8316.8317.0717.0717.317.317.417.417.5317.5365.3365.3365.4365.4365.4365.4365.2765.2764.9964.9964.5764.5764.0564.0563.5463.5463.1163.1162.7762.7762.4862.4817.5517.5517.7517.7517.9717.9718.2218.2218.518.518.8118.8119.1219.1219.3919.3919.619.619.8319.8319.9919.9920072008200920102011201220132014201520162017010203040506070

The data displays the age structure in Sweden from 2007 to 2017. In 2017, about 17.53% of Sweden's total population were aged 0 to 14 years.

2007 17.12 65.33 17.55
2008 16.82 65.43 17.75
2009 16.6 65.43 17.97
2010 16.51 65.27 18.22
2011 16.51 64.99 18.5
2012 16.62 64.57 18.81
2013 16.83 64.05 19.12
2014 17.07 63.54 19.39
2015 17.3 63.11 19.6
2016 17.4 62.77 19.83
2017 17.53 62.48 19.99