International » USA | U.S. population: ethnic groups in America 2015 and 2060

Ethnicities in Amerika: population by ethnic groups 2015 and 2060

Percentage distribution of population in the United States in 2015 and 2060, by race and Hispanic origin

The data displays the share of U.S. population, by race and Hispanic origin, in 2015 and a projection for 2060. As of 2015, about 17.66% of the United States population was of Hispanic origin.

Race and ethnicity in the United States For decades, America was a melting pot of the racial and ethnical diversity of its population. The number of people of different ethnic groups in the U.S. has been growing steadily over the last decade, as has the population in total. For example, 35.81 million Black or African Americans were counted in the United States in 2000, while 43 million Black or African Americans were counted in 2016.

Non-Hispanic White 61.72 43.65
Hispanics (may be of any race) 17.66 28.56
Black or African American 12.38 12.96
Asian 5.28 9.09
Two or more races 2.05 4.89
American Indian and Alaska Native 0.73 0.63
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander 0.17 0.22