International » USA | United States - Urbanization 2015

Urbanization in the United States 2015

Degree of urbanization in the United States from 1967 to 2015

The data displays the degree of urbanization in the U.S. from 1967 to 2015 and details the percentage of the entire population living in urban areas. In 2015, about 81.62% of the total population in the U.S. lived in cities.

Urbanization in the U.S. With the U.S. being populated and inhabited by settlers and migrants quite late in comparison to other nations, urbanization took place a lot later than in other developed nations. Urbanization is defined as the migration of people to the cities (mostly from rural areas, but also from other countries) making the cities larger and more populated.

1967 72.61
1970 73.6
1975 73.65
1980 73.74
1985 74.49
1990 75.3
1995 77.26
2000 79.06
2005 79.93
2010 80.77
2015 81.62