International » USA | Average (median) household income 1990-2016

Average household income in the United States 1990-2016

Average (median) household income in the United States from 1990 to 2016 (in USD)

The data displays the median household income in the U.S. from 1990 to 2016. The median household income was 59,039 USD in 2016.

Household income The median household income depicts the income of households, including the income of the householder and all other individuals aged 15 years or over living in the household. Income includes wages and salaries, unemployment insurance, disability payments, child support payments received, regular rental receipts, as well as any personal business, investment, or other kinds of income received routinely.

2016 59039
2015 57230
2014 54398
2013 55214
2012 53331
2011 53401
2010 54245
2009 55683
2008 56076
2007 58149
2006 57379
2005 56935
2004 56332
2003 56528
2002 56599
2001 57246
2000 58544
1999 58665
1998 57248
1997 55218
1996 54105
1995 53330
1994 51710
1993 51116
1992 51390
1991 51791
1990 53350