Internet » Cyber Crime » Cyber crime in Canada | Obstacles to adopting advanced security processes worldwide 2018

Obstacles to adopting advanced security processes and technology worldwide 2018

Which of the following do you consider the biggest obstacles to adopting advanced cyber security processes and technology?

The data describes the most common obstacles to adopting advanced security processes and technology according to security professionals worldwide. As of April 2018, 34% of respondents in the U.S. said that budged constraints were the largest obstacle to adopting advanced cyber security processes.

Budget constraints 23 35 29 33 25 36 38 31 31 38 60 33 27 34 36 37 35
Competing priorities 28 11 29 27 28 26 24 27 16 27 20 18 32 32 25 18 24
Lack of trained personnel 25 28 19 22 24 31 24 28 30 25 35 33 31 26 25 23 26
Lack of knowledge about advanced security processes and technology 26 26 24 21 22 24 21 26 23 29 18 21 27 22 22 17 21
Compatibility issues with legal systems 27 19 30 27 30 30 22 23 32 40 25 25 24 28 30 25 28
Certification requirements 33 27 29 29 24 27 27 22 27 23 22 27 27 30 24 33 21
Organizational culture/attitude and secrecy 30 23 25 20 16 26 17 21 26 17 19 24 28 25 20 20 27
Reluctant to purchase until they proven in the market 19 20 23 26 25 29 20 28 15 16 17 20 21 22 22 21 25
Current workload too heavy to take on new responsibilities 22 16 28 18 28 28 26 27 23 21 15 28 22 22 20 17 19
Organization is not a high-value target for attacks 25 18 21 22 24 17 14 20 12 16 11 13 21 21 21 20 16
Security is not an executive-level priority 22 10 17 17 20 13 13 23 15 18 11 11 19 19 17 19 21