Internet » Cyber Crime » Ransomware | U.S. SME risky employee ransomware behavior 2016

U.S. SME ransomware risks though employee behavior 2016

Most common employee behavior risking ransomware infections according to SMEs in the United States as of September 2016

The data shows the most common employee behavior risking ransomware infections according to SMEs in the U.S. as of September 2016. According to the survey, 60% of respondents stated that using third-party applications like Dropbox, Slack or Spotify on business computers was a risky behavior.

Use third-party applications like Dropbox, Slack or Spotify on business computers 60
Click on a website or advertisement for personal reasons knowing the link may not be secure 59
Fall prey to a phishing/social engineering scam that looks like an everyday business request 58
Use business computers to access personal accounts on social media or email during working hours 57