Internet » Demographics & Use » E-learning and digital education | E-learning LMS worldwide market size by region 2013-2016

E-learning LMS market size worldwide 2013-2016, by region

Size of e-learning learning management system (LMS) market in 2013 and 2016, by region (Figures expressed in millions of U.S. dollars, unless otherwise specified)

The data displays the market size of the e-learning learning management systems (LMS) market worldwide in 2013 with a forecast for 2016, by region. In 2013, the North American e-learning management systems market was worth 1.5 billion USD.

North America 1495 1702
Western Europe 427 509
Eastern Europe 46 75
Asia 446 722
Middle East 28 35
Africa 21 32
Latin America 88 138