Internet » Demographics & Use » E-learning and digital education | Student interest in academic performance analytics 2015

Global student interest in academic performance analytics 2015

Percentage of students worldwide interested in personalized messages and notifications about academic resources as of April 2015

The data describes the percentage of students worldwide interested in personalized messages and notifications about resources and their academic progress. During the April 2015 survey, 86% of respondents stated that they were interested in alerts if their progress in a course was declining.

Personalized support and information on degree progress 92
Personalized dashboards that give you real-time feedback about your progress 89
Suggestions for how to improve performance 88
Personalized quizzes or practice questions 88
Real-time feedback from your instructor about your performance or progress 88
Guidance about courses you might consider taking 87
Alerts if it appears your progress in a course is declining 86
Suggestions about new or different academic resources 84
Feedback about performance compared with that of other students 82