Internet » Demographics & Use » E-learning and digital education | U.S. positive influence of education technology 2016

U.S. positive influence of education technology usage 2016

Perceived positive difference of classroom usage of education technology according to educators in the United States in 2016

The data describes the perceived positive influence of classroom usage of education technology according to educators in the U.S. During the 2016 survey, 79% of teachers stated that they found that technology made a big difference in making learning more interesting for students.

Making learning more interesting 79
Allowing students who have mastered the topic to move on 76
Providing learning opportunities outside the classroom 74
Allowing students to work at their own speed or pace 73
Creating a customized learning experience 72
Allowing students who are behind in school to catch up 66
Allowing students to get feedback and help even when school is not in season 64
Allowing students to collaborate even when not together 59