Internet » Demographics & Use » E-learning and digital education | U.S. classroom digital learning materials acquisition reasons 2016

U.S. classroom digital learning materials acquisition reasons 2016

Which are the top reasons you acquire or want to acquire digital learning materials for your classroom?

The data describes the most common reasons for educators in the U.S. to acquire digital learning materials for their classroom. During the 2016 survey, 74% of responding teachers did so in order to engage their students.

To engage my students 74
To have materials that are fun/entertaining for my students 61
To help develop the skills I want to improve in my students 60
I can personalize learning to my students' skill levels and interests 56
My students express interest in using digital learning materials 45
I can see how my students are understanding the materials in real time 44
To provide a way to work with other students even if they are not all in the same place 39