Internet » Demographics & Use » E-learning and digital education | U.S. barriers to classroom ed tech implementation 2016

Barriers to educational technology implementation in U.S. classrooms 2016

Which things do you feel represent the biggest barriers to increasing the use of educational technology inside the classroom?

The data describes the most common barriers to educational technology implementation in the U.S. classrooms. During the 2016 survey, 41% of responding U.S. teachers stated that the lack of training was the largest barrier to increasing the use of ed tech in their classrooms.

School/district doesn't have the funding 63
Not enough devices for students 60
WiFi connections are too slow 45
Current school devices are too old 44
Teachers aren't trained on using educational technology 41
Not enough time in the day to make greater use of educational technology 31
Difficulty integrating digital learning materials with current instructional content 22
School/district administrators don't support using educational technology 7
I don't believe educational technology enhances student learning 6