Internet » Demographics & Use » E-mail usage in the United States | Marketing e-mail readers worldwide by age 2017

Internet users reading marketing e-mails worldwide Q3 2017, by age group

Share of internet users who read marketing e-mails or newsletters in the preceding month worldwide as of 3rd quarter 2017, by age group

The data displays the share of internet users who read marketing e-mails or newsletters in the previous month worldwide as of the third quarter of 2017, broken down by age group. The findings show that respondents aged between 55 and 64 were more likely to read marking e-mails or newsletters, with 31% of them saying that they had done so in the month preceding the survey period, compared to 21% of internet users aged between 16 and 24.

16-24 21
25-34 22
35-44 23
45-54 26
55-64 31