Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in China | China: social network most frequent activities by social network 2016

China: most frequent activities of social network users by social network 2016

Leading activities of social network users in China as of 2016, by social network

The data displays activities of social network users in China as of 2016, by social network. That year, about 49.2% of social network users of Wechat moments used the platform to upload photo content.

Reading updates of friends/ microblogs 58.4 62.7 58.1
Sharing and forwarding information 42.3 48.5 51.2
Posting/updating status 47 47.5 47
Consume video/audio content 37 46 39.3
Posting journal entries 44.3 42.4 46.4
Uploading photos 48.3 40 49.2
Playing online games 26.3 22.6
Online shopping 13.9 19.7 19.3