Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in China | Fortune 500 China leading internet companies 2017

Leading Chinese internet companies on the Fortune China 500 ranking 2017

Leading Chinese internet companies on the Fortune China 500 ranking in 2017, by revenue (in billion yuan)

The data displays leading Chinese internet companies on the Fortune China 500 ranking in 2017. The ranking is based on total revenues in 2016 and has been released in July 2017. Tencent, maker and creator of the famous QQ instant messaging service, had ranked 43 with an annual revenue of about 152 billion CNY in 2016.

Tencent 151.94
Alibaba 143.88
Baidu 70.55
Shanghai Ganglian 41.28
Netease 38.18
Letv 21.99
Ctrip 19.79