Internet » Demographics & Use » Internet usage in Japan | Countries with the highest internet penetration rate 2016

Leading online markets based on penetration rate 2016

Countries with the highest internet penetration rate as of 2016

The data depicts the countries with the highest internet penetration rate as of 2016. During the survey period, it was found that 98% of individuals living in Bermuda accessed the internet. The Falkland Islands were ranked first with an internet penetration of 99.02%.

Falkland (Malvinas) Islands 99.02
Iceland 98.24
Liechtenstein 98.09
Bermuda 98
Bahrain 98
Andorra 97.93
Luxembourg 97.49
Norway 97.3
Denmark 96.97
Monaco 95.21
Faroe Islands 95.11
United Kingdom 94.78
Gibraltar 94.44
Qatar 94.29
Aruba 93.54
Korea (Rep.) 92.72
Japan 92
Sweden 91.51
United Arab Emirates 90.6
Netherlands 90.41